My Fyne 702a

After a long stopover at a Glasgow pub and precarious ocean crossing in the covid world, they have arrived.
just want to share my enjoyment with other music and audio folks.
my past runs with speakers from audio physic and Martin Logan were 10 years.  This will be my last ones,
my best description is that I’m not experiencing descriptives about tone, soundstage, brightness or revealing descriptions.   Just music and fun like when I was younger and before hi end
beautiful finish as well and not a break the bank price 


Showing 1 response by m-db

A sudden awakening from a nightmare stemming from a small first time personal litigation compounded with thoughts of my countries tangled and inequitable justice industry, yikes.

Changing the subject in hopes of slumber I turned my thoughts to modernizing my decade old digital front end (2011 Mac Mini WiFi -> Squeezebox COAX -> mini NOS DAC).
I couldn't help but think the root of both scenarios are a capitulation for convenience. Meh, today's another day.

tennisdoc56 Robert, I logged in and your post was the first thing that caught my eye.
Simple joy! New (efficient) speakers for possible retirement? Exciting, happy!
Your post got my morning back on track. THANKS, enjoy.