My Fyne 702a

After a long stopover at a Glasgow pub and precarious ocean crossing in the covid world, they have arrived.
just want to share my enjoyment with other music and audio folks.
my past runs with speakers from audio physic and Martin Logan were 10 years.  This will be my last ones,
my best description is that I’m not experiencing descriptives about tone, soundstage, brightness or revealing descriptions.   Just music and fun like when I was younger and before hi end
beautiful finish as well and not a break the bank price 


Showing 2 responses by bjesien

Can you describe what the drivers do on this speaker. I’ve never heard the Tannoy speakers and always hear them described as smooth, forgiving, buttery, etc. In my experience (I might be wrong) this tend to mean they have a relaxed or lowered midrange frequency. I’ve had smooth speakers, and while easy to listen to with all recordings, I eventually became bored with them.

So this speaker has this (from website):
1 x 200mm IsoFlare™ point source driver, multi-fibre bass / midrange cone, FyneFlute™ surround with 25mm magnesium dome compression tweeter, neodymium magnet system . 1 x 200mm multi-fibre bass / midrange cone, FyneFlute™ surround.

So does all this mean the Tannoy guys realize people want a midrange driver and decide to use the technology they’ve had success with plus a new driver that makes them sound more exciting? Can anyone say what the crossover frequencies are and impedance curves?

I can plan a trip to hear them but feel like I should first consult with a patent examiner to see if it has a midrange, or maybe someone here can help!
Awesome. What amps have you heard them with so far. I hear they like a little bit of power.