my first hight end sound system , please don’t ignore

hello my audiophile friends !!
out of my passion for good music i have decided to build my very first hight end audio system , i bought a pair of dali euphonia ms5 in mint contition with very few hours on them, an edge NL10 power amp , a  benchmark dac3 pre amp , 3 runs per speaker - tri-wiring terminated with high-end plugs “ rea cable “ wires made from pure silver , and 2 RCA stereo pair ,, my next purchase will be a power supply and i am currently building a table for my audio eqiipment made from granite and sorbothane , i also bought TDK clip on Emi Rfi filters , and hight end Single Crystal Copper Power Cords ,, i will start slowly doing my researh for turntables and hoping not to spend more than 3000, 3500 on that , 
i’m i in the right path ? i would apreaciate tips suggestions and help , i am new to this with some basic  understandings about audio equipments
Definitely on the right track! Edge amps are excellent and very underrated. My only thought is you might find the combination of a SS amp, silver speaker cables and a ribbon tweeter on the bright side. Then again it may be perfect for you. Most of all let your ears be the judge and don't second guess yourself and happy listening!
thank you Eric for your tips !
i am also feeding my source from my mac, i can not wait the time to power things up and take it from there , like i said i’m curently working with my space, and changing few outlets , and waiting some cables and sobrothane for my audio equipment to be delivered so i can start putting things together , but i think if things goes well i will be ready to power them up and start working with my space “acoustic wise” and locating the speakers by march.
and finaly start puting together the turtable .
i don’t know much yet about turtables , but i think i will end up with a used VPI , u can get a good deal for around 1500$ with a separate from the body belt motor 
 i’ve read that, seperate motor turnables isolate the motor vibration from the turtable (make sense,, lol)
i also plan spending around 800,1000 for cartridge ,,
no idea yet about tonearm and wiring .... 
I agree with Jond. When I read that you were using silver speaker cables I almost cringed. I have experimented a lot with cables and found the more silver there is in a system, the less organic and natural it will sound. I would suggest staying with 100% copper all the way. It's very subjective, and as the others have said you really need to find the balance between all your components, power cables, and interconnects. Even changing your power cables on each unit will effect each component individually. Once again I suggest 100% copper is the way to go. 
Nice choice of TT; my first TT from a high end perspective was a VPI Scout w/ a Sumiko Blackbird. Many fond memories of that setup. After several years, I upgraded to another VPI - A Classic. During that time I went through several amps & a couple speakers including a pair of B&W 803D prior to upgrade to MS5 as well as a handful of cartridges.

Turntable setup is rather critical, especially with a VPI unipivot tonearm, if that will be your choice. Prepare yourself for the unipivot tonearm setup; its quite challenging but very satisfying in the end when you get it all dialed in. My favorite TT was VPI HRX that I would go listen to at my local dealer - simply sublime! Of course that may have to do with the speakers also; they were Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage. Next door was the aforementioned Dali Euphonia MS5 the sound of which stayed with me for a long time almost as long as the SF Strads' - until finally I was able to recently acquire them - the MS5's that is. Oh what I would do to own a pair of Strads' - but that is another story!

As you can tell from my current setup showcased on the other site, I have moved on to a rather simple vinyl rig in favor of my digital music listening. I have found that a properly 'synergized' digital front end can sound just as musically engaging as a properly synergized vinyl/analog rig. Only the analog/vinyl rig in my humble experience is much more finicky & can cost quite a lot more than digital/stream. I enjoy both realms though modest by comparison.

Enjoy the Music!
than you eric ! you comments are really helpfull and i’m definitely keeping you posted
i feel that the ms5’s have a lot of potential , i ended up with them after a LOT of researching
as it goes sound wise i feel like the best sound i will not get it from vinyls ,, there is a whole new world bulding the right set up for records
thats why i got the  benchmark dac3 to cover my digital source 
but i definatly have to build a decent to good TT set up , because that was the reason i decided to invest on a high end sound system , i really love music and many if not most of my favorite music comes only on vinyls