

Responses from robbiefest

I purchased an N130 blue sound recently. I'd heard a regular 2i on my system and didn't like it at all. My main streaming had been done up till now, via Apple TV 3, Glass fibre optical into Bryston BDA1 DAC. It was a very nice warm open sound, and... 
my first hight end sound system , please don’t ignore
I agree with Jond. When I read that you were using silver speaker cables I almost cringed. I have experimented a lot with cables and found the more silver there is in a system, the less organic and natural it will sound. I would suggest staying wi... 
Vienna Acoustics Bach Grand
I have owned a pair of Bach Grand for about 3 years. I am VERY hard to please and these please me very much. I have bought and sold a lot of gear in the last few years to try to perfect my system. The Bach grands have remained in my system whilst ...