My experience with Joseph Sahyoun of Earthquake Sound

Hello All,

So I felt the need to share this experience because not only is Joseph Sahyoun one of the smartest and well-rounded individuals I have ever had the pleasure and honor of speaking with, but he also makes one HELL of an amplifier!!! 

I had always had my eye on the Cinenova Grande and for many years said that would be my next amp. I currently have a Simaudio Titan 5 channel. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a super clean, low hour unit for a steal. I had always wanted this one from the beginning but could not afford it back when it hit the market. Obviously many years later on the used market the price was greatly reduced and as soon as I had the opportunity I jumped! I have had it for almost 3 years now and it was everything I had hoped/thought and more. It is 20+ years old but Sim "overbuilds" their amps so I wasn't concerned about her age...

The flukiest of things happened as I just checked out Earthquake's site and I had always wondered about the power receptacle on the unit. I've seen pictures where it looks like a normal 20 amp receptacle but other images with this weird looking 3 circular prong thingy looking thing. My curiosity led me to place a call and it was answered by one of their customer service reps. Well when I asked that question he didn't have the answer but said "The President of the company is right here so let me pass you over to him". Well Joseph gets on the phone and that was it! We ended up speaking several times (Facetime on several occasions) and he actually sent me the video of him building my amplifier! This guy is truly AMAZING! So yes I pulled the trigger and bought one. I was quite skeptical that this unit could compete with the Sim but after getting to know Joseph and learning more about his background I felt quite comfortable buying this unit and figured I could easily return it on his generous offer or keep and sell the Sim on the off chance it bested it. Well it did! I could not have been prepared enough for what the Cinenova did when it entered my system (my speakers are all Revel Performa3-F208's, 208C, M105's). I'm no reviewer and would not try to even play one here, so the best way I can describe it is it's now like listening in 3D. I could use all the typical cliches like hearing things for the first time, vocals having a true room presence, speakers completely disappearing, etc and whilst that is all true the best way I can describe it is like listening in 3D if that makes sense?


This is not at all a knock on the Sim it's just the Cinenova Grande is that good. Add in the experience (and just speaking with Joseph is that-the guy is absolutely HILARIOUS and has such a refreshing down to Earth straight up style that I loved) and this one was truly the best purchase I have ever made all the way around! The guy sent me a video of him making my amp - who does that???? AND he would call me to check in and just shoot the breeze man...He is the real deal and his products are otherworldly. This amp is truly the beast-it arrived in a wooden crate for Christ sakes, LOL! And as large and intimidating as it is, it is able to belt out the sweetest sounds I have ever heard from my Revel's...


Sorry for rambling but I couldn't not share this experience and give the biggest shout out to Joseph and Earthquake...


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