My Dumb Question of the Day

I feel strongly that I should ask a dumb question every day. Audiogon's turn.

When I am playing an LP I clearly hear the music when the amp is off. I know that this is how the phonograph has worked from the beginning (the old wind up Victrola at my sister's house), but is this really a good thing. Would better more efficient coupling improve the signal to the cartridge, would better damping of the tonearm improve the signal, basically, is this accoustic phenomena less noticable on a really high end turntable.

I'm using a Clearaudio Champion with Aurum Beta S and RB300 arm.

Showing 1 response by newbee

Elgordo, Would you believe that some one actually invented a lazer pickup for vinyl! Yep!! Obviously it didn't catch on. As to music coming from a pickup, I haven't heard this since I sold my old Sony (what ever model) many moon ago. As others have suggested its an equipment matching/set up failure when it occurs.