My conclusion: mid level $$ analog vs digital

Good morning

I purchased a mid level analog system 6 months ago 
     project classic
     Hana sl
     Musical Surroundings Phenomena II+I’ve compared the analog to my digital 
      Chord Qutest 
      24/192 & Streaming 

and ;

After listening to a bunch of albums and music.

A well recorded album with a well setup analog is tough to beat . The analog has a certain snap to the drums and bass that digital cannot match.  Extremely , quiet and smooth
 The mid level price point and the associated quality is surprising to me 
Do not get me wrong , digital is close , but good albums really can show a difference 

Ive listened, at homes with much better analog setups, and the difference seems to get better 

So, For you guys think to take the analog jump ?

Don’t worry 



Showing 1 response by clearthinker

You're not keeping your records and stylus clean.
Only just a few of my ~4000 LPs haven't yielded up all their surface noise to diligent and sensible use of modern cleaning systems.

When doing blind tests, first do a playthrough of chosen material to check there is no remaining noise.

But even then it's difficult to run a blind test that will satisfy everyone.  You choose a recording that was released on LP and CD at around the same time.  But the LP guys will say 'oh but that was badly cut' or 'it was cut a little too hot' and the CD guys will say 'the LP was re-mixed slightly differently.  Even when they weren't.