My beloved CDP finally bit the dust

Time for a  new front end.The laser and transport mechanism was designed as an entire unit,easily replaceable in my Vincent S6.Except the unit is no longer available.I've enjoyed it for the past nine years and I will miss it terribly.
I've got a Cambridge CXC along with a Parasound Zdac v2 on the way as a replacement.I don't stream,just enjoy physical media for now.Both are returnable if one or both don't work out.I didn't want to spend $$$ an end up in the same situation a few years down the road.I could up the budget but I'm not sure it's necessary.I'm hoping for a similar smooth sound with detail that's not harsh.
So what do you guys and gals think?Am I on the right track?My other components are LTA MZ2,Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull amp,Tekton Impact Monitors,four subs.Blues and rock,acoustic and electric is my preference for music.Any suggestions for 'plan B' components are welcome.

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