Musicians in your living room vs. you in the recording hall?

When it comes to imaging, soundstage and mimicking a recorded presentation, which do you prefer?
Do you want to hear musicians in your living room, or do you want to be transported to the space where the musicians were?

Showing 1 response by bigkidz

Not sure there is an option. My system recreates what was on the recording.  If it is a live recording I can hear the hall and the people there, if it is a studio recording I hear what is on it.  Hand claps are the key for me to hear and see how they sound on the recording.  IMO I listen to the backing vocals and instruments to see if they are "real sounding".  Many times when I hear a system, the bongos, drums and cymbals don't sound real to me because system recreates them better.  The bongos and drums sound like they are made of cardboard and I don't hear the actual skin flex, or the effect of the body of the drums.  Piano has to sound right also.  I need to hear the body of the piano, the string thickness, size, how the hammers strike the strings, etc.  Most people I do not think actually hear and can distinguish what a real piano sounds like in different systems or even care.  But what do I know?