Musical subwoofer under $2000

I’m looking for advice on what vendors to look at as l’d really like to add a subwoofer to my 2 channel setup. The room is c. 30x15 feet or 42 square meters with low ceiling of about 7.5 feet or 2.2 meters. Budget is c.$2,000 and my 2 channel speakers are Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII. My amp offers pre-out connection. I’d like REL but their S range is now too expensive, so something close in musicality would be great. 


Showing 5 responses by soix

I must also admit I'm tempted by the Arendal 1723 SUBWOOFER 2S at $2,500 as a one and done solution.

I would say no.  Don’t do that.  Getting two lesser subs will provide much better overall performance than one more expensive sub.  Get two cheaper Arendal, Rhythmik, or SVS subs.  And I agree that REL is overpriced relative to the highly competent competition.

I think you’re making a mistake.  I’d get an F12G and then add another one when you can.  But that’s me. 

@ditusa Thanks for that link.  Doug Blackburn and I both wrote for Soundstage at the same time, and I always admired his depth of knowledge.  There were some really interesting discussions behind the scenes at Soundstage between the two Dougs at Soundstage (Blackburn and founder Schneider) about the virtues of time/phase coherence that was a most interesting read.  They completely disagreed with each other and both made very valid and interesting arguments, but it was always respectful and I learned a lot from that discourse.  Anyway, thanks again for that dated yet still very useful link — I bookmarked it for future reference.

In my opinion if you are not listening to loud bass driven rock of some type, the addition of a subwoofer to a full range speaker will not make a big enough impact to justify the expense.

I couldn’t disagree with this opinion more.  This is the statement from someone who has no idea what subwoofers are capable of.  

I also feel the low end will give me more presence and atmosphere.

I TOTALLY AGREE with this statement and what was totally missed by the prior response.  Subs add so much more than just more bass, and anyone who doesn’t realize that is just subwoofer ignorant.  There’s a reason Wilson uses subs with their Alexandrias and Magico uses them with their Q7s and up, and I think you obviously get that.


First and foremost, I’d recommend getting two subs instead of one. In your price range you can get a pair of SVS SB2000 Pro subs that’d likely sound great in your system. Best of luck.