Musical subwoofer under $2000

I’m looking for advice on what vendors to look at as l’d really like to add a subwoofer to my 2 channel setup. The room is c. 30x15 feet or 42 square meters with low ceiling of about 7.5 feet or 2.2 meters. Budget is c.$2,000 and my 2 channel speakers are Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII. My amp offers pre-out connection. I’d like REL but their S range is now too expensive, so something close in musicality would be great. 


Showing 1 response by highend64

@lemonhaze Great advice on room response. Some don’t have tools to use to dial in the sub or subs if more then two so they play it by ear. Luckily I have REW but I use more with DIv2 a Rational Acoustics software and for this purpose it is great. For my situation, I have Vandersteen 2ci speakers which has the bass couplers that has enough bass so one sub for me is more then enough to reinforce the lower bass response.

I have read the links that was posted earlier and really has some great information. Peaks are easier to tame then nulls as long the nulls aren’t more then 3 db difference.