Musical Sound Quality of AV Surround receiver vs. pure Stereo

Running Linn LP12 turntable, Bluepoint No2 stylus, with Jasmine phono pre-amp, Marantz sr5008 with B&W 685s2 on LR fronts with 686 S2 LR surround,  Paradigm CINEMASUB Cinema Sub 300W Speaker.

3 questions; 1) While I canceled out the center channel (using Marantz Audyssey setup), I am playing 99% from my turntable and CD player (Yamaha w/ DAC built in). The depth and spacial separation of the music is uncanny, but difficult to phase given it is being played in a digital (Music setting) format from one of the settings on the Marantz receiver. When I switch to pure stereo, the volume has to be turned up and the depth of the soundstage just isn't there. Would upgrading to a more powerful and musical integrated amplifier help (i.e. Anthem  Anthem MRX  720?) help with its killer room correction or 2) Do I look for a 2.1 integrated amp or tube amp to compliment my B&W 685S2's and sell the 686's or 3) do I just bite the bullet, look at a traditional good integrated amp or tube amp for around $3K with $3K Audio note AN-K speakers. Traditional sound....

Thanks, I am new to this group and have read a number of discussion threads. Obviously, a lot of you are infinitely more knowledgeable than I am, so any and all replies would be greatly appreciated. PS No man cave, this system is in my living room, so the wife is a little particular about too much gear ! Thanks everyone.

Showing 6 responses by phill55

Thank you all for taking the time to lend me your advise. My impression is, if connecting the Marantz to my TV is not a priority, I really am better off trading in the Marantz and the pair of B&W 686 S2's for a nice integrated amp to drive the B&W 685's.  However, would a Outlaw Audio RR 2160  which is 2.1 have enough power to drive both speakers and the sub woofer. I like the complimentary bass / fullness of the sub to help drive full spectrum of the sound of my vinyl.  If not an Outlaw, 1) what would you recommend? 2) Or again, trade in the B&W's for a more robust Audionote AN-K speakers. Thank you for any comments or suggestions
Sorry hate auto typing. Will the Hegal accept a powered sub woofer? I thought it was pure 2 channel and I know from the Marantz that the sub woofer digs a little deeper than the b&w 685's by themselves. Thanks
Is the Hegal an iij integrated amp which CNN accepts a powered sub woofer? Thanks,
I am taking the plunge - solid amp Hegal H160 or KRell with Revel M106 Bookshelf Speakers . I think the combination is strong between amp and speaker. Any thoughts? Also, will be selling my AV amp and 4 speakers :-)
@ richardausten I met Mr. Vu in his new facility in Vienna, VA. He is an incredibly knowledgeable and passionate Audiophile and I heard the AN - J speakers. He has them for $3K with a new Italian tube amp w/ built in DAC and if you have the ability to set up your speakers in the corners, the combination in sublime. But the tub amp is $3K with speakers = $6-7K (including stands). But at 90dB you really don't need a huge Krell or Helgal with 200+ watts. I heard the AN -J speakers driven by a 10 watt tube amp. 
@ auxinput I thank you for your input...I went back to a local dealer (new and used gear) listen to both the Krell and the Hegal with B&W D3 bookshelf speakers. To me the Hegal H160 sounded a little more colorful, not overly produce, but enough to appear to have more color than the Krell which seemed a little too clinical. 

But, given my budget and desire to continue to upgrade, I am now looking at a Hegal H160 for $1700 (with crossover for my sub)...use my B&W 685 s2 speakers for a year or two before upgrading to a new speaker. Unfortunately, as much as I would like to own the AN speakers, my wife will not allow me to put them in the living room (in the corners) and I don't want a man cave to listen to music...I want my friends to enjoy it with me during cocktail conversation or just pure listening. 

Besides, my next upgrade will probably be in adding a Dynavector 20X as the liveliness of the stylus may very well compliment some of the short comings of the B&W's in the mid-high range. They are however, good speakers when complimented with a sub to build out that low that they just cant accomplish. 

I have to tell everyone that it is a difficult decision when getting into this hobby, there are many...many...many choices you can make. And add to this challenge the lack of really good stereo stores (that I grew up with) and your decision become even more difficult. Do your research thoroughly and trust the experiences and anecdotal comments of this group. They are all obviously passionate about this hobby and for that I want to thank everyone for taking the time to help me make a better informed decision. When everything is set up, I will send out my comments for someone else who might be making these same decisiosn.