Musical fidelity encore “frustrated owners”

How many frustrated musical fidelity Encore out there ? All encore models 

How many of you owners would like help in turning these units into functional streamers with use of all streaming services and internet radio?


I agree with your statement about since Antony sold the company and retired.

I too still own and have owned for about 15 years their flagship Amp ,preamp,Dac,transport fully upgraded. AMAZING SOUND.

I presently own an encore connect along with my other MF units and recently sold an encore 225 .I do believe there have been a number of Encores sold,but how many I have no idea? These units are a nightmare since awhile back regarding support from MF for the server issues. 
Soon hopefully these units will not be as useless as they are now as progress is being made as we chat . But no thanks to MF…..

Check out the Lyrion website for latest information,under Tidal login problems on MF encore.


Honestly I'm not sure how many people are using Musical Fidelity gear these days. Particularly anything other than their amplifiers, which seem more popular and generally better than the rest of their line.

I used to own of a few of their pieces many years ago, and knew several other people around town who did as well. But over the years they seem to have depreciated from a legitimate high end brand, to more of a value brand, and now very much an "also ran" type of company. At least that's been my experience, particularly after Michaelson sold the company and retired.