Music to make you laugh by

No, I don't mean the text of a song as an example. Rather the musical content of a given piece of music, which by listening to it, be it in concert or at home in front of your rig, has made you laugh out loud or grin or smile, because it was funny or amusing in a clever way.

Showing 2 responses by martykl

Kid Creole not only writes hilarious lyrics (see "No More Casual Sex" his Reagan era lament for the passing of the sexual revolution), but he also has a great, sly sense of musical humor. Check out his disco version of "Edelweiss".
In an idiom similar to the Waits tune Astock cites, the Tom Kirchen (ex-Comander Cody lead guitar) live shows feature Kirchen playing a medley of famous lead licks "quoted" on guitar while Kirchen shouts the original player's names in rapid succession. The crowd is always laughing by the mid-way (say 15 or 20) point and usually howling by the end.
