Music that has a hold of me beyond understanding

I just took a musical bath. I listened, for the umpteenth time, to Puccini's La Boheme. I can't begin to understand how someone could ever create such a thing of beauty. There are many 'songs' that compete in their individual beauty, but no other opera, play, or body of singing that even comes close, for me. You?


Showing 1 response by asvjerry used to confuse friends, co-workers, and the sudden stranger how spouse and I could go to the symphony on one weekend/evening....then the next excursion go to see and listen to 'something entirely Different', 180 out on any of the 4 planes.

One weekday, I 'cused self from work an hour early so we could 'go to dinner, and then go to a downtown concert for the evening...

"Sure, we're jealous already!  Who're you going to see tonight?"

"Garbage, really looking forward to it...."

Response?  Muted and somewhat confused....this office played a lot of Enya, and that of a similar style...

(...I actually enjoy a bit of Enya, but the steady diet....not so much.  Was looking forward to a 'hit' of loud in a smaller venue...)

"Garbage?   Uhh, who's....."

"They're a great group, we're fans....'Paranoid', 'Stupid Girl' loudness...*G*  See y'all in the AM, and thanks!"

( A couple of the younger workers were jealous, the owners....a bit confused.

Likely still are....) 

....I mean, what's Not to like....*smirk*

I Think I'm Paranoid, revisited remix....

25 years ago, after that?

I likely wouldn't have come back to work....Call In Dead, via a stranger....*LOL* ;)