Music server install: internet over electric lines

Hi group,
I want to set up a Marantz NA7004 network audio player with my 2 channel system; my plan was to have my cable company run an internet line to my system's location, but today the tech said, given my home's layout, that wasn't possible.

He suggested a device by Asoka, called "PlugLink," which carries internet over your existing power lines.

Has anyone done this? I wanted a dedicated hard line to improve audio quality; I'm worried about noise from current affecting the signal to the player.

The other option is Marantz has a wireless "airplay" unit which could stream music to the NA7004.

Thanks in advance for your advice,
Sarcher30: Yes, you are correct that I could run an Ethernet cable from my home office router to my living room tuner but I prefer not to. The Ethernet cable would have to be installed on an outside wall and I prefer not to do this. The use of Ethernet over power using the ASUS PL-X32m provides the Internet connectivity I need and works great.
Everyone....thanks for your input; my solution will be to use the NA7004 with my second system, which is my HT set-up with the Marantz SR7005.
I can get internet to that location.
No one product will suit all needs.. when I got my DLink package, it came with a little CD + App to run to test my connection from a laptop. Always do a "site survey" first to see if it works for you. What works for one place won't work for another, whether it be WiFi, MoCA, PowerLine Ethernet, etc...
Sammy, and group....
What I decided to do here was buy an Audioengine D2 wireless DAC; I'm using a Kimber Kable USB from my computer; at the receiver end, I'm using an Audioquest Big Sur interconnect to run into my Arcam integrated. I've been very happy with the sound.

Thanks for your feedback,