Music Reference RM200 or David Berning ZH270?

I am interested in both of these amps. Has anyone out there heard both of them before? The associated equipment that I would be using is Gallo Nuclius Reference speakers (88db efficiency), Supratek Syrah preamp, Granite Audio 650 CD player, MIT 330 and TG Audio IC's and MIT 750 plus speaker cable. Can anyone tell me the differences in these two amps, or your expriences with them?

Showing 2 responses by kriskosiba

All, I can say is that there is NOTHING even close to the Berning in its price range. Just heard the Berning running Merlin speakers at the Montreal show, and it was awesome. The Berning is an absolutely neutral amp, that shows what ever else is in the chain, whether it be good or bad. If you would like more info you can contact Allan at he knows more about the berning than anybody(besides David himself). I cannot say enough good things about the 270, I totally changed the way I listen to music. Good luck.
I apologize, I supplied an incorrect e-mail address. For all those interested in contacting Allan, his E-mail address is