Music reference/ audio research / vpi

Looking for suggestions. Have a Music reference rm-200, and an audio research LS 16. Also have a VPI classic 4/proteus transfiguration. Wondering how the RM – 200 would match up with an audio research ref 6, an audio research ref 3 phono, And maybe Ariel acoustic 7t, or Devore gibbon X? Looking for suggestions. Live in the sticks with very little opportunity to audition much of anything!  While I love my audio research, sometimes I wish there was just a bit more tubey richness.  The Gibbons are supposed to have a more organic sound I’m told…? The phono three should be more compatible with the transfiguration…My phono 5 is not compatible…Trying to develop a plan and go at this one piece at a time… Also wonder about the vac 300.1…? Would think the ref phono three should be my next purchase…?

Showing 2 responses by tomic601

i do the same picking up high quality castoffs for $100-$120 after a $750 MIT disaster cable.....ha


 @bdp24 asking for a friend with a RM-200 on the way....15 A IEC power cord ? recommended sanely priced cord?