Music reference/ audio research / vpi

Looking for suggestions. Have a Music reference rm-200, and an audio research LS 16. Also have a VPI classic 4/proteus transfiguration. Wondering how the RM – 200 would match up with an audio research ref 6, an audio research ref 3 phono, And maybe Ariel acoustic 7t, or Devore gibbon X? Looking for suggestions. Live in the sticks with very little opportunity to audition much of anything!  While I love my audio research, sometimes I wish there was just a bit more tubey richness.  The Gibbons are supposed to have a more organic sound I’m told…? The phono three should be more compatible with the transfiguration…My phono 5 is not compatible…Trying to develop a plan and go at this one piece at a time… Also wonder about the vac 300.1…? Would think the ref phono three should be my next purchase…?

Showing 3 responses by clio09

The signal tubes for the RM-200 need to be very carefully matched and balanced for the circuit. Roger is the only one who can get it perfect so you should consider RAM tubes as your source.

I work with Roger and am currently using his personal RM-200 with a set of his ESLs. So I know how difficult it is for him to match up those driver tubes and the results of using tubes from other vendors. As reputable as these vendors are, they can't get it as close as Roger can. You would have a lot better experience in my opinion swapping out the KT-88s for 6550s, GEs in particular.
As an FYI, based on what Roger has told me, 6BQ7 tubes haven't been manufactured for a while, so technically they are all NOS. While they are branded as RAM tubes, the stock Roger has are RCA, GE, or Sylvania,
@bdp24 - Roger designs his circuits with various tubes in mind. It's the interaction of the tube within that circuit that allows for his design to achieve the flattest frequency response and lowest distortion possible. So from his design perspective, the same tube from different manufacturers, but with the same electrical characteristics, and properly tested will interact with the circuit in the same manner.