Music I would succumb to under torture

A post on another topic was ...
viridian4,171 posts
I couldn’t listen to Diana Krall, or any of those other jazz lite vocalists that audiophile types listen to, on even the finest hi-fi, YMMV.

I would be useless in a war if captured.
If they played me Diana Krall, Sade or Frank Sinatra I would surrender and give them all the information they wanted! Just if they stopped playing that music and torturing me! I am having screaming habdabs just thinking about it ...

Showing 4 responses by tatyana69

I was not commenting on different tastes and didn't mention good music. It was a question of what was awful to me ... so awful I would succumb ...
But as you mentioned it, modern music leaves me cold for a number of reasons. The rap stuff ranks high on the irritation stakes
Good grief ... after a couple of hours of that played on a loop ....... aaarrgh - surely any sane person would go mad ...
Indeed, what is the point of that recording? What was she trying to achieve?
You have opened this up to a time zone variation! I agree with your feelings about those you tube videos and music. My wife is Ukrainian and I spend quite a bit of time in Ukraine "enduring" this stuff which dominates the music playing on television and radio in Ukraine. I complain to my wife about the lack of any music sophistication, and she shrugs her shoulders and says "what can I do?". Indeed, what can we do?