I had KHorns in a room a little smaller than yours (13 x 12) driven by a 2A3 SET. Much of what I heard was fantastic, especially in the midrange, voices and guitars sounded very real. I really liked the combo, but over the course of months I just couldn't shake the fact that there was an edge to the music. I tried to 'fix' it by using resistors in series with the tweeter and midrange, by sealing the bass bin to increase the bass relative to highs, by toeing out the tops. Nothing worked. I sounded great, but it seemed that there was a price to pay (that edge) for the realism and detail.
I'm not familiar with your receiver but it may be that the receiver simply muffled (not muffled, but can't think of a better word at the moment) the highs and supressed the edge you hear with the MH. IOW, the MH is letting you hear the KHorns good and bad.
I also have a Yamaha R-2000 receiver, and I didn't use it much but when it drove the KHorns there was less edge, but there was also less magic.
I think the KHorns can be great speakers in the right room with the right gear. My room was too small, yours may be as well.
I did have a MH 25.2 CDP for audition a few months ago and thought it was a fantastic unit for the price. But it was because of the edge we're talking about that I sent it back and got a Rega. Marginal improvement. I now have a pair of single driver speakers, and think that if I had these speakers when I auditioned the MH CDP I probably would have bought the MH.