Multiple sources to headphone amp? What are your solutions?

In my never ending quest for flexibility...  I have a couple different components / setups that i'd like to run w/o having to swap interconnects around:

Technics 1200 -> Puffin Phono Pre -> Bottlehead Crack -> Sennheiser 6xx
                                                        \-> Integrated Amp -> Kef LS50

HifiBerry DAC -> Raspian (Spotify) -> Bottlehead Crack -> Sennheiser 6xx
                                                        \-> Integrated Amp -> Kef LS50

I'd like to optimize headphone listening for now - any thoughts on how I can accomplish this w/o having to constantly swap cables around?    
Many headphone amps have more than one input or if your integrated has line out, run that to the headphone amp and mute the integrated. Or get an integrated with a decent headphone amp. Lots of options. 
Martinman, you need a preamp that will handle all the inputs. You can get one with a headphone amp built in. There also may be an integrated with that flexibiliy with a headphone jack built in.