Multichannel sounds better than stereo

I’ve found that upmixing stereo music to 5 channel via software actually sounds better than just 2 speakers.

This is especially true for the center speaker, I’ve found no situations in which stereo sounds better . The center speaker always makes it sound fuller, more immersive, better.

The back surrounds on the other hand are more of a trade off, they add vast amount of immersiveness but can make things sound more blurry. Generally I prefer them than without.

Note I’m not time aligned them, and they are different speakers, so this is a poor match, but even then, wow multichannel sounds so much better....

Showing 3 responses by don_c55

I prefer stereo over 5.1.

5.1 sound seems fake. 

There is no BACK in movies and TV. Everything is in front!

Weird sound effects abound in 5.1 IMO.

What is the reason for the front center channel?  Stereo has a center.
Also 5.1 systems do not have depth.

Stereo does, as do movies and TV!

Not all audio on movies and TV is good, but in the last few years there is more realistic audio.

Video does have depth, and so does the included audio. If you want the video depth to match the audio depth, do not mount the screen on the wall. Mount the screen away from the wall on a stand, and the speakers even further from the front wall. Stereo speakers work best IMO.