Mullard New ReissueTubes???

I have seen these starting to pop up.There is a quad of EL34 of these tubes here at Audiogon up for auction.
Has anyone heard these and what are your opinions on these.
Thanks Brian.

Showing 1 response by nonoise

Hey Btstrg: I'm new to things tubed but I got a matched quad set from Marsh Amps ( I couldn't get ahold of anyone over at New Sensor on the phone) for $94 with shipping (New Sensor is cheaper still). Compared to the Valve Arts that came with my TAD CA-30 integrated, I Iost the warmth and lushness but got a more accurate, deep and tighter base (the bloat and flabbiness of the Valve Arts became immediately apparent) but a somewhat recessed mid and high end-almost SS like in pesentation. At first, I was dissapointed, but all it took was a short time to burn in and the mids became more accurate and tonally pleasing and the highs shimmered with a natural and long decay. I guess I got suckered by the romance of the original tubes but now feel that Mullard reissues are the better value. Heck, it'll only set you back $94 bucks.