Mu metal for Brio Integratdd

Hello All

Last year I bought latest version Rega Brio integrated. I paid 300$ and I’m very pleased on how it powers my Tekton speakers. One issue though. Hummmmmm. I confirmed through audio tech and searching forums the small 1/2 size chassis contributes to this issue. I tried several recommendations for confirming it’s not ground loop issue or issue with house wiring or from other components…..I was tempted to purchase some MU metal and enclose the top and sides of the toroidal transformer. Has any one attempted this on the Rega integrated or other amps? Did it address the problem? Any advice on doing this mod?


Showing 5 responses by pdspecl

I tried most of what was suggested.   I also removed all components except the Brio integrated amp.    Still have the hum.    I’ve had many other combinations of components in the same room and never had a problem.  Tube amps, solid state amps…. All kinds of gear and different configurations. No issues until I got this Rega.   Also I checked and it appears other owners noted the same issue with their units.   

Actually I had two techs look at it and both stated the close confines of the components in the 1/2 sized chassis is the likely culprit

Good point.   I did bring it to a certified tech who gave it a clean bill of health so to speak.   I may try the mu metal as per Amazon for a sheet at about $60.  Worth a try so to speak

I did some research and there are others noting same issue with this particular Rega.    I will try the MU metal since I’m curious if it could improve the situation.   If yes then I’m good to go.   Else I may switch to a Schiit amp set up

I joined a Rega forum on Facebook about my hum issue with the Brio.   Within 30 minutes 4 other Brio owners noted same issue and it’s definitely the unit and not related to ground loop, wiring, or other components.  Looking at the Brio everything is so closely packed and I don’t that I can make a MU metal cover for the torodial transformer and make it fit properly given the close proximity of other components.  I was tempted to order a a small case from parts express and relocate the transformer to an external case and shield that case with MU metal.   Costs would be minimal.   Comments?