Mt First McIntosh

It arrived last night....the 2105. The seller said the wood case had been taken very good care of the past 45 years. He had to have lied, there is no way this sweet, virgin perfect case is more than 6 months old!

It sounds great, better than I God is she beautiful!! I'm 52 listening to my first Mac. I've tried to share this with my friends, but they have no idea what I'm talking about or how I feel. She is SO beautiful, especially with the rest of the lights turned off.

Stevie Wonder, Mel Torme, Carole King and Chet Baker never sounded so good to my ears. This must be what you guys have been enjoying.

Did I mention she's so beautiful?

Showing 1 response by rpf427

I know this is a really old post, but I am just getting my first Mac experience at 64!

Acquired a 2105 in pristine condition and paired it with an equally pristine C34V and pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M's. I cannot imagine how much you would need to spend to achieve any better results. It sounds like magic, to my old ears anyways.
