MSB Diamond DAC V

Looking to try a MSB Diamond V Dac with Diamond Power Base Volume Control and Renderer. As a side note I have had the opportunity to enjoy the Lampizator Pacific, Esoteric Grandioso K1 my 2 favorites, DCS Vivaldi, Chord Dave but never tried the MSB. I was told that it's is a must listen to before I pull the ultimate trigger.

Please feel free to comment on your thoughts regarding what i can expect from the MSB Diamond DAC V.


Showing 1 response by himiguel

Put the Wadax da converter on your list.
The only way of achieving lifelike dynamic transients with real harmonics and ultimate musicality is through noise rejection. Mechanical isolation, cables, and grounding. Took me 30 years of swapping gear to find out. Keep your Plinius pure class A amp, part of the equation.