“MQA is a philosophy”..John Stuart

Full quote- “In brief, MQA is a philosophy more than it’s ‘just a codec’. 
Your thoughts??

Showing 5 responses by lalitk


what are you trying to accomplish from this thread? Your last thread on MQA pretty much sums it how you and other Naysayer thinks about MQA.


I suggest you try listening to MQA tracks and post your thoughts. 

Have you actually heard a MQA file...or should I just chalk you up in MQA haters club 😉


“the broader issues that MQA brings to the entire music industry and home reproduction”

What do you suggest we should do to save the industry and consumers from the evils of MQA? Do you think constant bickering on audio forums is going to deter the forward progress of MQA? 


“We, in this forum, are music lovers first and foremost. It’s why we buy quality equipment and freely share experiences that may benefit others”  - I appreciate and agree with your sentiment. 

Please keep us updated on the progress of your proposition. I wish you the best!

FWIW, to my ears and in my system, MQA files sounds consistently better than 16bit/44.1kHz files. That’s not to say that Tidal streaming sounds bad on non-MQA files. I enjoy both formats and by personal preference rooting for hi-res streaming.  

My days of buying CD’s and paying for hi-res download are long gone, thanks to Tidal streaming! 

You need to chill my friend. If MQA bother you so much, find another avenue to channel your frustrations 😉

Peace out!