Moving up the Reynaud line, opinions please...

I've been pretty happy with my current system, vintage restored Accuphase P-300, C-200 amps and Reynaud Twin Sig's. The Twin's have always been a bit small for my room, so I'm thinking of updating. Since I'm fond of the Twin's, I may just move up the Reynaud line, but I'm interested in other options. I''ve always loved Quad 57's, and I'd say that's just about my ideal sound, but I don't have the floor space for them, so with the Quad's as a reference, what else is out there? Maybe Harbeth? I listen mostly to classical and rock, and would love to stay under $3000 new or used. Any thoughts would be wonderful! Thanks, Joe

Showing 2 responses by chashas1

Now Joe, haven't you heard of the known natural progression in the great speaker hunt? It's Spendor, Harbeth, then Audio Note? (you can also sidestep a bit with Reynaud, and now Kudos)
At your price range, Harbeth C-7's or new Kudos X2's would be great, C-7 with stands close to $4k, X2's at $2500.
Good luck and have fun!
Having heard a Reynaud but not the Twins, I'm not sure. The lower end would definitely time better with the X2's than with a Spendor or Harbeth. I'd have a chat with good ol Bob Neil if I were you.