Old post, but there are a few reviews out there comparing Clear to AudioQuest Wild, with Wild regarded as slightly better at twice the cost. AQ would likely have a little more speed and excitement, though more dynamic may depend on how much you perceive dynamics as related to speed and excitement versus weight and macro-dynamic swagger.
Cardas now has the Clear Beyond interconnect to round out the Clear range, and compete price-wise with the likes of Wild. They were all over at Rocky Mountain this year.
At the level of resolution of the Clear, I find power cords make about as big a difference as swapping other cables. It is therefore a great opportunity to fine-tune the sound without making wholesale changes to the rest of the cable loom. Changing cables can ultimately require a lot of system rebalancing to achieve small gains across the board.
Cardas now has the Clear Beyond interconnect to round out the Clear range, and compete price-wise with the likes of Wild. They were all over at Rocky Mountain this year.
At the level of resolution of the Clear, I find power cords make about as big a difference as swapping other cables. It is therefore a great opportunity to fine-tune the sound without making wholesale changes to the rest of the cable loom. Changing cables can ultimately require a lot of system rebalancing to achieve small gains across the board.