Moving up from Cardas Clear

I'm looking for opinions on where to go next from the Cardas Clear cable line. I've got a Meridian MS600/MD600 source (streaming audio), Simaudio P-8/W-8 amplification and Revel Studio 2 speakers. Cabling is all Cardas Clear, including power cords. I'm looking for something equally rich as the Cardas but with a tad more speed, dynamics and excitement.

Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by grey9hound

06-13-13: Hifimaniac
I have owned Prana Wire and agree totally with another commentor; I still have it in my collection. I am using the Snake River Audio Mamushi interconnects and speaker cables and it is the first cabling I have tried that surpasses my Prana and it isn't "break the bank" expensive. Everyone who's listened to my system since adding it late last year is amazed at the difference in sound; it is very very musical, quiet but with excellent detail and depth. Highly recommended in my book.
Hifimaniac (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
I would go this direction if it were me doing it. They have a 30 day money back gaurantee. They also state that they have never had a customer return anything for a refund ????
These sound very interesting to me. AND they are not overly expensive compared to some of the other cables mentioned here .
Seems like it would be well worth a try .
That is the Snake River Audio Mamushi. That is what i meant on my above post .