Moving up from Cardas Clear

I'm looking for opinions on where to go next from the Cardas Clear cable line. I've got a Meridian MS600/MD600 source (streaming audio), Simaudio P-8/W-8 amplification and Revel Studio 2 speakers. Cabling is all Cardas Clear, including power cords. I'm looking for something equally rich as the Cardas but with a tad more speed, dynamics and excitement.

Any suggestions?

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I guess i could move to Clear Beyond speaker cables but that would be the end of it as there are no Clear Beyond interconnects. I already have a Clear Beyond power cable feeding my Nordost power distribution bar and Clears connecting my components to the power bar. I'm looking for alternate directions as well, though.

Which Purist Audio and Transparent cables would be a step up from the Clears?
Thanks. Signatures are pricey but not too out of whack as a step up from the Clears. Ultra Extremes are too expensive for me, though.
I found the Clear power cords sounded a lot like the other Clear gear - more extension in the extreme high/low frequencies, a bit more open while retaining a bit of the organic/fluid sound that Cardas is known for. Bass was the biggest impact of adding the Clear power cords for me.

I also noticed some improvement in moving up from the Clear M to the Clear Power. I've only ever used Clear Beyond Power for my amp. Cardas claims better power filtration as you move up the line.

Have they discontinued Golden Reference too? If not, I think that would give you a bit of added warmth vs Clear.