Moving to New Zealand from USA Now What?????

OK so do I sell all my equipment, Buy new Stuff once I hit NZ or do I take it and Have it converted?

How available is audiophile gear in NZ?

My system consists of
Myryad pre amp
Toshiba sd-9200
Rel Storm
Mesa Boggie Baron
Citation 5.1 amp



Showing 2 responses by vongwinner

Thanks for all the advice!

I will be living in or around Auckland-at least at first. The plan is to pack up move, buy a car and drive all over the country. Figure out where we ant to live ect...

I Know that Mesa can convert the amp for me, However I just did not know how common audiophile equipment was in NZ.

I have another issue with DVDs.....Does anyone know if there is a universal player for all regions and NTSC-PAL????

Is new zealand on PAL?

Anyway thanks for the help. My wife and I feel like we are getting while the getting is good and are looking forward to pushing the reset button on life!!!

Now about the guitar gear....
Thanks to all for the advise, both about the equipment issue, and where and what to do in NZ.

I think that I will bring most of the audio equipment with me as it does not seem to be a big deal to convert it! Sumiko (the us distributor for REL) Was particularly helpful

All the sheep jokes aside, I am looking forward to moving!