Moving speakers from downstairs to upstairs, degrading ?

Hi ev1, HOW MUCH will I be expecting the sound quality be degrading if moving my Floorstanding SF Elipsa SE from downstairs (carpet on top hard cement slap) to upstairs 2nd floor (carpet on top of particle board). Thank you


Make sure upstairs the speakers are de-coupled from the floor (no spikes), or it will become a soundboard for the bass, and ruin it.
If you can use a heavy plinth (eg: cement path slabs) under each speaker and then use 4 of these Sorbothane pad between the speaker and the plinth, 4 are good for 800lbs

Cheers George
its way more than the slab vs suspended floor. Its the structure (walls, ceiling, etc.) and how live that is. You shall see. As I can since i just built anew music room on the upper floor, and empty its a freaking echo chamber. I have much treatment to do!
It will be a downgrade I guarantee! You will lose bass as other things will absorb it. Objects flooring etc. 

Almost a dumb question as youve probably found from the answers .  Try it and see . 
+1 to itsjustme. The other acoustic factors will totally overwhelm the effect of the floor and the carpet. There will likely be a large difference in sound unless the rooms are sized and furnished identically. Both flutter echo and bass nodes will be whole new problems in your upstairs room and you will need to start from scratch in controlling for them.