Moving on from Nordost Blue Heaven to...?

Anyone else move on from the Blue Heavens to a different cable with better results? I am curious to hear opinions on what was in your system after the Nordost cables and what you thought of them.

Looking for something in the same or similar (less even!) price range. Transparency, mid-range presence and imaging are important to me.

Speaker cables running from a Pass X150 to Maggie 1.6QRs.

Showing 1 response by tpreaves

Just on a whim,I put in a low bid on a set of ATCables Gold Trace ic's that were on auction here on A'gon.Well,I won them and put them in place of my Blue Heavens.At first,no big deal,after about 20 hrs. the sound really opened up.Everything was,cleaner,for the lack of a better term.They are still in my system and the Blue Heavens have found a new home.This is my experience in my system,yours may differ.Good luck.