Moving into an apartment with wood joist floors - worried about neighbors hearing

Hey all,

So during the pandemic I bought a pair of very Manhattan-unfriendly Egglestonworks Kivas. They sound amazing! 

However I recently decided to move and found an amazing old loft. While signing the lease I saw a bunch of language about noise and playing music loud - and now I’m starting to wonder if I’ve made a huge mistake.

I’ve lived in places with concrete floors the last 15 years, so i didn’t even think about it when taking the place, but this old building has wood joist floors. 

While I don’t listen loud - I’ve always been a low- to medium-volume listener - I’m worried that even then the Kiva’s will have too much bass energy.

The opposite pressure is that the room is huge with high ceilings. So in a vacuum, the Kiva’s would be the perfect speaker for the space.

The way I see it I have two options:

1) Try to move in with the Kiva’s and do everything I can to contain their energy (bass traps / panels / thick rugs / Isoacoustics Gaia pucks - some of which I already have). If there are complaints, then get different speakers or use equalization to lower the bass on my digital sources (not an option for vinyl though)


2) Get different speakers proactively. If I do this, I could consider a pair of bookshelf speakers with limited LF (SF Amati’s or those WIlson bookshelves?)

Anyone have any experience with this? If I go route #2, what about planar ribbon speakers like Maggie 3.7? Seems like the dispersion on them might solve a lot of the problem here, but not sure if they’ll still resonate the floor.


Showing 7 responses by hudsonhawk

I already have the Isoacoustics Gaia I feet - I assume those should work the same as Townshend to mechanically decouple the speakers from the floor? The speakers have outriggers so I’d need a huge platform and I’d be worried about the added height.

Was then thinking of mass loaded vinyl like Acoustimac under both the speakers and whatever large wool rug I end up with.

I also already have plugs that Eggelstonworks provided for the ports that I use.

Great idea on doing a sound test with the neighbors - will at least give them my contact info and maybe doing a test where i find the volume setting on my stereo that becomes the new “max”. I’m a pretty low-volume listener - my system is designed around that principle from when I was married and my then-wife was sleeping on the other side of the wall behind the speakers.

@audiotroy the landlord told me the floors are wood joist. It’s an old warehouse so I suspect it’s sturdier than most but it’s still wood. Agreed though with your advice that I should just try it and only change speakers if it’s a problem.

@ghdprentice I’d say I usually listen around 60dB or less (if measured at the listening position anyway - it’s 70dB if I put the SPL right next to the speaker).

New apartment is on a busy street so I assume there’s going to be a relatively high noise floor for the neighbors.

@curiousjim That’s a great idea. I could get a thick rug big enough that both the speakers and couch are on it, and then put granite under the Gaia’s, on top of the carpet. 

Thanks all for the very thoughtful feedback. Based on all of your feedback, here’s my plan:

  • Get a huge thick area rug to go under the stereo and LP. Thick rug pad under (maybe mass-loaded vinyl?).
  • Decouple the speakers with Isoacoustic Gaia’s (which I already have). I’ll set these on granite slabs that I’ll have cut. The Townshend stuff looks great but by some reports performs about the same as the Gaia’s. (I will also inquire about Acoustic Field’s carbon platforms which look cool if heavy and pricey).
  • I’ll use equalization to roll off the low end on the digital sources, especially TV and movies. I can do this in Roon for my music and will get something like a Dirac or one of those Behringer’s mastering EQs for the TV. Analog will not have this but hopefully that’ll be ok. 
  • I'll continue to use the port plugs that Egglestonworks provided me.
  • Will introduce myself to the neighbors and give them my contact info (but won’t mention the speakers) and just establish myself as responsive, reasonable and approachable.
  • I’ll set it up as a pretty tight setup - not near field per se but 6-8’ triangle in the room
  • Will use high-temp silicon caulk to seal up any holes around the radiator.
  • I already have two large and two small bass traps, as well as 6 or 8 acoustic panels. Not sure where I’ll place these but they’ll be in the room someplace. Theoretically I could add a couple more large traps preventatively, the high ceilings mean I could stack them 3-high in the corner nearest to the speakers.
  • I’ll continue to listen at 60-65dB or less

Will try with the Kivas to start. Should the speakers end up being a problem, I will then consider Magnepans or a large pair of bookshelves with limited LF.

Now I can ask you:  how did you come up with your moniker?  I hope it is not because you really liked the Bruce Willis movie by that name.

@larryi It absolutely is. That movie is a misunderstood classic that's aged like fine wine.

@deep_333 For my work and quality of life I have to live in Manhattan. My stereo is nice but not enough to translate into a down payment on much more than a closet here.