Moving coil with a bit less leading edge

I'm interested in a moving coil cartridge that offers a little less on the leading edge, and perhaps a bit more on decay or the trailing edge. In other words, something a little easier on the ears without sounding noticeably blunted or dulled. Thanks for your suggestions/impressions.

Showing 7 responses by wrm57

Syntax, which ZYX models are your recommending as recessed in the treble? I owned an an Airy 3SB briefly and it was the opposite of recessed in the treble.
That one, too, though I haven't heard it. The Kansui is designed to be little more refined in the highs. And it's slightly higher compliance, so probably more flexible with tonearms.
Sadly and paradoxically, the word "neutral" must remain forever subjective.

Indeed. Just as one person's derogatory "round" is another's exemplary "natural," and one person's "resolving" is another's "aggressive." Most of us believe our system tells the truth when, ultimately, it reflects our taste. And that's perfectly okay. But sometimes it's good to remember that we all hear and enjoy differently, and that this hobby is an exercise in aesthetics, not epistemology. A judgement of taste may feel like it should be true for everyone, as Kant says, but it can only be subjective. So Opus, just find yourself a cartridge that suits your taste and don't worry about the rest.
Opus, you know what you're hearing and you describe it admirably. And you have a very fine system that should produce excellent sonic textures. I agree that the soundwave from an orchestra in a concert hall or a jazz ensemble in a well-designed acoustical space is far richer than anything I've heard reproduced anywhere. And a lot of high-end cartridge/arm combos err on the side of detail at the expense of that live fullness--at least the ones I'm familiar with. The closest I've gotten at home to that full, rich soundwave has been with the Kansui on a Tri-Planar VIIuii, and to a lesser extent, an SPU Royal GMII on an SME M2-12R. I also have a Benz Ebony S-L and A90 on other arms and they're great in their own ways, but they don't generate that soundwave as well. FWIW.
Opus88, you could also try different tubes in your phono stage. It's less expensive than new gear and can make a huge difference. Just a thought. Glad you got the sound near to where you want it.
Ttboald-- My K&K SUT took quite a while to lose its edginess, so that might have been part of it.