Moving coil with a bit less leading edge

I'm interested in a moving coil cartridge that offers a little less on the leading edge, and perhaps a bit more on decay or the trailing edge. In other words, something a little easier on the ears without sounding noticeably blunted or dulled. Thanks for your suggestions/impressions.

Showing 5 responses by jmcgrogan2

When compared to? What are you currently using that is a bit too transparent/lean for your tastes?
Hey Jeff, you experiences within the Dynavector line can be extrapolated to other cartridge lines as well.....and cable lines, amps, speakers, etc. The cost of diminishing returns hits fast and hard. It sounds as if you are facing a similar dilemma to when I changed from my VPI table/arm to a Basis table/arm. The Basis was much more transparent and revealing and Dynavectors weakness, a rather jagged higher end, is more exposed under such condition's. Dynavector's mate well with smoother sounding tables like the VPI.

The Benz line is a good reco, others that may also fill the bill would be a Koetsu, Shelter, Air Tight, Transfiguration, Sumiko or ZYX (silver). I haven't heard the Miyajima cartridges, so I cannot speak for them. You didn't mention a price range so I didn't mention specific models. I'm sure you can figure it out.

06-24-12: Opus88
Wrm...I once owned a high output, copper wired Zyx Airy 3. Found it a bit too "hot" sounding and ultimately fatiguing.

That's why I recommended the silver coils if you go the ZYX route Jeff. The silver are smoother than the copper, strange but true. I've heard that the gold coils are the smoothest, but I have not heard the gold with my own ears.
Jeff, I briefly owned a Airy 3, but most of my ZYX experience is with a silver coil UNIverse and a copper coil 4D. The copper 4D had great bass, it reminded me quite a bit like the Dynavector XV-1s that I had. The silver coiled UNIverse was not as dynamic and powerful in the bass as the 4D or XV-1s. I'm not trying to push a ZYX on you, I just had mentioned a silver ZYX as an option with my other previous recommendations. I also thought when you complained about the high's on a ZYX Airy 3, that you need to understand the differences withing the ZYX line.

I think that you have to realize that if you are looking for that smoother leading edge with more decay, that does mean you will also get a softer, slower bass performance. You cannot have the dynamic impact of the Dynavector XV-1s or ZYX 4D coupled with a smoother leading edge in the high's. No one cartridge does it all, softer high's come with softer low's.

Another smoother cartridge that I've owned, which sounded similar to a Benz Ruby to me was the Cardas Myrtlewood. I see a few recos for the Zu Denon 103, which I have not heard, but maybe I should. LOL.
Oh yeah....and ah Jeff, before you go changing out cartridges, check to make sure you have the cartridge you have is set up correctly. LOL. Don't worry, I'm sure it's happened to all of us. Look at it this way, you just saved a bundle of $$$.

I started a thread on AA a few months back about how I blew out a tweeter on one of my speakers, since the high's just disappeared in one channel. After getting some replies I decided to see if there were any fuses in the crossover that might have blown. While lowering the speaker to the ground I noticed that the top negative speaker cable lead (bi-wire) had come loose. DUH!!! You have to laugh...haha.