move to multi-channel audio-only

I know that -by definition- audiophiles will stick to 2 -channel audio. But then, I wondered if there are people who made the move to 5-channel audio based around high-end digital front-ends like the Esoteric ux-1 LE? How were your experiences? I know that there are some SACD 5-channel audiophile recordings available and wondered if any of you guys have had some out-of-this-world experiences based on multi-channel audio systems? Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Showing 1 response by tiger

There are some great jazz 5.1 sacd's. Best to hear the Miles/Blue hybrid. It duplicates the original mono, three channel source material, no mixing. Hear the 'real thing'. I have red book cd's of Blue, together with original vinyl, sacd sounds best.

There are others out there and when the blu ray audio format is settled on, many old masters will be available at 256 bit rates. While the surround is ify, the three channel source material will open up new listening experiences. The sound stage and imaging is truly best in three channel.