Mounting Dynaudio Monitors on a Wall?

At the risk of getting shot I ask this question. Has anyone out there any experience with mounting Dynaudio monitors on a wall in a small cottage house out of necessity due to limited space and no room for floor stands? I will devise some form of bracketry to attach them to the wall or just build a small platform shelf and isolate it from wall itself with thin foam pad.
I built small shelves years ago to use Linn Kans "wallmounted". I found antique corbels- cornice brackets- in NYC, which are available from many more sources now. 2 small squares of 1x6 stepped up and painted. Pretty rigid and fairly light, mounted to wall with a large hinge on the top of the shelf with toggles. Very Architectural, too.

Linns are still kicking too, although I shop for replacements perennially.
Dynaudio makes versions of their monitors that are designed to be mounted on the wall. I'm assuming you've already got a pair of standard monitors, but if you don't, they make a product to do just what you're looking for.

I think you'd be fine with the setup you describe. I would go with "shelves" if possible, rather than a mounting bracket - anything that gets the rears at least a couple inches away from the wall. And, of course, use the port plugs.

Knowing there will be some sacrifice, I'd be happy with a setup like that with a pair of Audience 40's or 50's.
You are asking for an answer to a question no one can fully answer but yourself. You'll have to experiment to determine if the lifestyle acceptable bracket mount offers an acceptable compromise. I suppose you are asking this question because you haven't yet purchased the speakers you are considering. In your position, I might try and borrow or purchase something similar I could return to a local "big box" store and try listening in the anticipated postion. A better solution would be to buy a speaker specifically designed for this sort of installation. The Wilson Duette comes to mind, albeit at a high price point for most of us. This is a situation in which I'd be consulting with and purchasing from an experienced dealer.