Mounting a Triplanar or similar on an SP10

Has anyone tried to mount a Triplanar on an SP10? I was trying to do it tonight. Because of the fact that the Triplanar mounting flange is offset considerably to the left of the pivot point of the tonearm per se, the only way to mount the arm in proper position for correct pivot to spindle distance (233.5mm) is to have the arm overhang the table by a considerably amount when at rest, at a severe angle. It appears that if one wants to use a 9-inch tonearm on an SP10, it had best be one in which the vertical shaft and the pivot are in the same vertical plane, like 99% of the Japanese tonearms of yore. If you are an esthete, like me, you will dislike the assymetry, but I may decide to live with it. I also now understand why a lot of guys use 12-inch tonearms with the SP10.

Showing 4 responses by wrm57

Exhuming an old thread: did you ever succeed in mounting your Triplanar to the SP10? With the new SP10R coming to market, I'm weighing the possibility of making the move and having a plinth made for it. That is, if it will accommodate my Triplanar. 

Well, I’ve possibly answered my own question. Here’s an example of a successful mounting, near the bottom of the page:
So, it apparently can be done, though whether on an Acoustand plinth remains to be seen.

mikelakers, I’ve actually been emailing with Lee at Acoustand for the past several days as we try to determine whether his plinth will handle a Triplanar. He has never made an armboard for this arm.