Motor Controller ugrade for Raven One Turntable

Jeff, at Highwater Sound has said that owners of the TW Acustic Raven One turntable can experience a huge improvement in sound by replacing the Raven One motor controller with the controller from the Raven AC turntable.

Has anyone tried this? Jeff is the authority on the Raven turntables, so I am sure he is right about this. I am just curious to hear from any Raven One owners that have tried this.

Showing 1 response by dover

Hi all,

Just a reminder that if the Raven 1 retails for US$6000, then it must be costing around US$1200 maximum to manufacture. Freight plus distributor margin and retail margin. Half the US1200 is probably overheads and labour. What can you personally build for US$600. Naturally "tweaks upgrades etc" can be very cost effective - there are no margins.look at the deck - can I build this for US$600 ?
I'm not a fan of Ravens - dont like teflon spongy pudding bearing thrust plates, but its not a bad starter deck for the money.