Most underrated female recording artists..

I'm always looking for female singers who make my 2 channel system seem worthwhile for all l have spent...the list includes Nora Jones, Diana Krall , Sade and many others.... there are some fabulous singers out there but not recorded very well...lm adding Bonnie Raitt to my top list..The Bonnie Raitt collection red book cd...tracks 16 and 17 are spectacular on my system...  I'f anyone could add a suggestion it would be appreciated..


Showing 5 responses by jeffrey75

This thread is absolutely terrific, thank you, but my bank account says "not so much".

+1 @doni for Molly Tuttle who I have also recently discovered.

@dz13 nice list but if you are going to mention Shirley Manson you better ad Chrissie Hynde to that list.

Now I am not going to go out on limb say the bond and comradeship of the three artist I would like to add to the list approaches the bond that did clearly exist between Linda, Emmy, and Dolly. But Marissa Nadler, Angel Olsen, and Sharon Van Etten do appear on one another albums occasionally, have been on tour together at one time or another, and generally seem to be credited with being at the top of the Indie scene right now. Plus there does seem to be a strong appreciation for one another’s musical direction that is evident after listening to entire catalog of each artist.

Well, I think you forgot to not mention Hannah Joy of Middle Kids she is a talented singer songwriter and a novice composer from what I gleaned from a interview a few years back. Complex and nuanced Indie rock, especially with latest LP, that will take a couple listening sessions before it sounds right but it is definitely worth the effort.



Not sure I am onboard with your selection @goofyfoot in fact I am behind the boat on water skis wondering how this thread just " jumped the shark" to a prominent fascist. Fascism by definition is a forcible suppression of opposition so I am not going out on a limb here that Tiana Lemnitz did not face much of it until after May 1945.

I will be unpacking this thread for some time to come thank you all for your wonderful insight.

Laura Marling's latest solo offering "Song for our Daughter" for the folkies out there.