Most transparent amp you've heard?

Of the amps I've listened to the Halcro DM58 was the most transparent. Anything else similar or better in that department?

Thanks Sean
I agree with Tvad, Pass Labs XA100.5. I've had five Pass amps over the years starting with the Aleph 3. The new XA.5s are the most neutral and seem to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the rest of the system more than the earlier designs.
Tvad, I would still say Atma-sphere with the audiophile dictionary" definition. I can also see how in a sense Joule can be considered transparent, yet I would not say it is uncolored. I would also agree that the Pass XA.5 gear is very transparent in terms of being balanced across the spectrum and having a neutral timbre.
Atma-sphere and Joule-Electra tube amps. Spectron in fully balanced mode - non tube amp.
Halcro DM58 is very transperent indeed but ....lifeless

All The Best
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Drubin makes a good point. What I meant was low noise, speed, space between instruments, and a sense of immediacy.
What do you mean by "transparent"? It's a very inconsistently used term among audiophiles, in my experience.
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