Most Rockingest Preamp south of $2k used

I'm curious if anyone knows of, has heard about or owns a preamp that simply does the most justice to rock n roll, under $2k (or more) used. The one SS pre I owned (Odyssey) seemed a bit light in the mids and bass, arguably the two most important components to rock. Then I went tubes, and I think it's in the right direction. Regardless of SS or tube, I would think the ultimate rock pre would be a PRAT king, maybe even pushing the beat a little, certainly not laid back, with great bass, mids and dimensionality and overall musicality (vs analytical). Am I missing anything?

I'm tired of putting the cart before the horse -- researching what's for sale on agon as opposed to having a few models to look out for and keeping an eye out for them. Who's got a say in the most rockingest pre?

Showing 1 response by pieman42

i was in a similar situation. upgrading my pre (a cambridge c500 which i bought new about 8 years ago) from a decent entry-level one to something much better. i listen to about 40% blues 40% heavy metal and the rest all kinds (except rap!). i wanted a big soundstage, details etc., but it had to sound good on heavy guitars and drums. i tried a few solid state and a few tube pre's. every one had it's strengths, but nothing that i wanted to live with. i ended up with a classe 6l. it does what i've been looking for and more, except it doesn't have a phono stage. this is an awesome pre for the harder side of music, plus it's good on all other types. i suspect any of the older classe pre's would do as well, for under what you're looking to spend. my two cents anyways, pieman42