Most overrated audio manufacturers?


Showing 3 responses by dayglow

Vandersteen Audio-1/2/3 models lack speed and resolution but keep selling? Bryston-Are you buying because of the warranty or do you need an amp for your subwoofer? Esoteric-Can find more natural digital playback for much less.
I know Vandersteen(1/2/3) owners could care less what I think. The reason I posted was not to bash Vandersteen Audio but to let potential buyers know there are better options at each price point(1150/2400/4500). The 2Ce Signature has the reputation of being a giant killer which IMO is an outdated assessment. I have stated before the Vandersteen 5A(currently carbon) is a great last purchase type speaker, so we know what Vandersteen is capable of. I have not heard the Quatro or Treo speakers so I don't know if there is a "trickle down" effect with these models. Lastly I think Vandersteen needs to update(if they value sound over profit) there entry level offerings to deserve the "giant killer" status.
HiDiamond Cables are definitely NOT in the "yawn category". I have tried several power cords and the P3 is clearly one of the best values in all of HEA. Other then a dedicated line this is the best $750(2/used P3's)I have spent. The time is now for all audiophiles to consider cables as a component NOT an accessory!