Most important fundamentals in your built/modded listening room?

Situation: We will be doing a basement renovation soon. At the moment, I don't have a full go-ahead to turn this room into a listening room. The room will be multipurpose for another 4 years (when the last kid goes to college). I am not working with $100k and an architect. This is about laying the groundwork for later adjustments.

  • The room is a rectangle: 27 ft. x 17 ft. x 8 or 9 ft.
  • (I say 8 or 9 foot ceilings because right now the rafters come down to 8 feet but the floor above is at 9 feet.)
  • Walls are unfinished, the ceiling is unfinished.
  • Two outside walls are concrete.
  • The floor is concrete.

There's a lot of literature out there, including a great article by Harley about building a listening room.

But for now, as I said, I'm looking for ways I can PRE-PLAN fundamental elements of the room so that later it can be tweaked even further.

QUESTION: What would you suggest should be done that is fundamental to the build out of the space?
  • Wall construction?
  • Dimension modification (cannot make ceilings higher)
  • Electrical?
  • Other things?
Thanks in advance for your tips!

Showing 1 response by bdp24

Sheetrock is well-known to be fairly resonant, behaving like a struck drumhead. Go to the website of Acoustic Sciences Corp, and check out their wall-damping and isolation products, particularly Wall Damp.

I've been in a room constructed with the ASC products (the Portland, Oregon music room of Audiogon member folkfreak), and was mighty impressed. Rapping the sheetrock walls with my knuckles produced a faint "tick" sound; a regular sheetrock wall makes a "tonnnk" sound.

Wall Damp installed between two sheetrock panels creates constrained layer damping, greatly reducing the sonic signature of the panels.