Most eye-opening upgrade and what you learned

Would love to know about moments of light on the high-end audio learning curve.

My husband and I number among the academic poor ...
with preferences which substantially exceed our budget.
Nonetheless, we have managed an aha!! experience or
two of our own.

The mating of conrad johnson tube preamp with krell solid
state amp opened our eyes about the role of electronics
in creating presentation.

Listening to the revel salons set our standards for hearing music rather than sound from an audio playback system.

Know that many of you have deeper insight, am hoping you
will share.

Newcomer to audiogon

Showing 1 response by paul_frumkin

1st: Going from "high grade" monster cable speaker cables and interconnects to Nordost Blue Heaven.

2d: Adding an API Powerwedge 114 (who knew there were cymbals on that track?)

3d: Going from the Snell B Minor to the Snell A Reference Towers.

4th: Going from a low-end Denon 'table with a mid-fi Ortofon cartridge to a high-end Denon 'table with a Grado Reference Sonata cartridge.

5th: Going from an Adcom GFP 565 preamp to the Plinius CD-LAD preamp.

6th: Convincing my wife that busting my IRA and investing the money in Mo-Fi was a good idea :-)

Welcome to the high end, Judit; it's a journey and not a destination.
