Most Extensive State-of-the-Art DAC Survey Ever!



Showing 4 responses by baylinor

I didn't bother looking at any of those dacs. From reading the couple of comments, I can see that they are in a stratosphere I have no interest in. What does interest me though, is how my new streaming/dac set up sound. And it is exceptional. This morning listening session completely opened my eyes. I can honestly say that my streaming absolutely sounds better than my CDs and even vinyl now. The easiest way to see my different setups is to look at my system. But to give you a long story short, not counting preamp, amp, speakers and subs, my vinyl setup is worth 200% more money wise than my streamer setup, while my CD setup is worth 33% more than the streamer setup. And I have been working at this streamer setup for only about 3 to 4 months. The first streamer did nothing for me and I returne it. I then moved on to the new Bluesound Node, hooked it up to the Gustard X26 PRO via DH Labs silver sonic UBS cable and bluejeans ethernet cable to a TP-Link wifi extender. A huge help is my wifi signal is always super strong, usually over 800. The latest addition is the Teddy Pardo linear power supply which is specifically designed for the NODE and has perfect instructions to remove the inner power circuit of the NODE to replace it with the guts of the Pardo and connect it to their box. Genius. Pardo power cable is Shunyata venom 14. Well, at first it was a significant improvement but now with over 20 hours on it, it is simply magical. No exaggeration. I listen to all 3 systems this morning and the streaming flat out beat the other two as unbelievable as it may sound. The overall presentation is bigger, wider, clearer and instruments are clearly detailed all over the wall rendering the speakers to disappear. Not saying my vinyl and CDs are lacking but the streamer takes it even higher. BTW, now using bluos with Quobuz since I have given up on Tidal's MQA. All that to say how this streaming journey has reached such incredible levels with such a reasonable setup and in such short time. Used to be that on this site, analog ruled, but it is evident that the tide is changing. And if you haven't yet tried the digital streaming world, you owe it to yourself to do so asap. I once said I wouldn't and I am a living proof of how wrong I was.

The guy on this survey clearly states the cheapest ones reviewed are in the 30k to 50 k range. At 10k you're not even in the discussion lol