most clear, crisp sound power amps, monoblocks ?

what power amps, pre-amps, monoblocks and speakers has the most clear, crisp sound as if you were to it LIVE? which amps, speakers have the best bang for your buck?

Showing 1 response by simao

The range of answers here is awe-inspiring. Condescension to curmudgeon; elitist to judgmental. And even a few well-meaning answers thrown in. Bojack had it right - lighten up, audiogoners. This is a hobby forum, not a philosophical statement of identity.

Seriously, if the OP were my first post, these answers would only serve to edify the misconception of hi-end audio as the domain of the self-absorbed and out-of-touch.

Having said that, I do agree that the question is much too vague to give any legitimate empirical answer. But Mitch4t and a few others already suggested a good way of saying it without reverting to trolldom.